
Joined on Thursday, February 13, 2025


1 Fictions Written

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Author Biography

Sam Tolan (Kino) was raised upon the darkest of fairy tales and the deep lore of various classics from the day she was born. Of course, this would no doubt do a number on her sanity but what is a little lost in that worthless stat when you can replace it with Creativity ?

She may or may not be an eldritch horror in mortal guise and regularly have teatime with Lucifer where they drink the teas of haters and come up with even better (worse) ideas. She has a cat named Chaplin who she often wonders if he has inherited the one shared braincell of the orange cats despite being a handsome tuxedo cat.

Kino is in a committed relationship with many of her (fictional) husbandos and waifus.

She writes a wide range of genres, tropes, concepts and love writing them straight, played with and beyond.

I will now stop speaking in third person. Have a great day and I will pray for you if you read my work!

Eldritch Enlightenment

Last updated Mar 13, 2025
3 chapters

"From my lips to the ears of the gods..."

In the shadow of the Ivory Tower, Siomha Sinistra, a maiden granted Insight tries to put her troublesome comprehension to good use. Whether solving mysteries for a few pieces of gold and food or breaking into the mental realm of other Awakened to pull them back from the brink of madness, there were always jobs for her to pick up.

While her life was never normal, it was shattered through a simple unforeseen action. His Gaze was upon her now and she could feel his direct touch upon her soul and mind.

She had been chosen.

Unfortunately for everyone, 'he' had picked the worst (or best perhaps) person for the job.

Taming The Heavens is a collection of several books detailing the life and journey of Siomha Sinistra as she becomes increasing involved with forces beyond her control. It is part of the Thousand Realms Chronicles multiverse of interconnected novels and characters.

What to Expect:

  1. Slow progression
  2. Various Horror (psychological, cosmic/eldritch, supernatural)
  3. Fantasy
  4. Politics, schemes, monsters in various forms (aka humans)
  5. With Great Powers Come Great Insanity
  6. Trickster Pulling Strings
  7. Trauma and healing
  8. Mysteries
  9. Character-driven Narrative
  10. Violence and Chaos

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