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I'm just trying to shape ideas without the extra noise - strip it down to the core. It's like asking, 'What if I could skip the steps and still make it magic?'
A genderambiguous thing that occasionally goes into a writing frenzy. Can be left unsupervised around your books without devouring them. Pinkie-Promise.
Inkwell Otter
J.M. Gillespie: Artist, Writer, Veteran, O.G. Nerd. ---> [My Books](http:/
Author Grand Master - Current Projects: 1.) Age of Demina 2.) Sterkhander
Sam Tolan (Kino) was raised upon the darkest of fairy tales and the deep lore of various classics from the day she was born. Of course, this would no doubt do a number on her sanity but what is a little lost in that worthless stat when you can replace it with *Creativity*? She may or may not be an eldritch horror in mortal guise and regularly have teatime with Lucifer where they drink the teas of haters and come up with even better (worse) ideas. She has a cat named Chaplin who she often wonders if he has inherited the...
I am the author of the Twisted Destiny, a dark progression fantasy with other works soon dropping.
Erebus Esprit
Erebus Esprit (AIR-uh-buss eh-SPREE) is the pen name of a widely varied and deeply private individual. He has traveled halfway across the world, though he currently lives in the United States of America. He holds a B.S. in Exercise Science and is currently pursuing an MFA in Writing. He's a trained Olympic Fencer from the American Fencing Academy, been instructed in historical sword styles by that same institution, pursued several martial arts throughout his adulthood, studied war and geopolitics, and is an amateur ghost hunter. He spends his time cherishing his family and friends, and creating stories of fantasy and...
D.M. Rook
I've never been much for Biographies so forgive me if this isn't the full story you'd want from someone like me, but I'd prefer to get straight to the point; - 28 Years old - New England Transplant - USMC Veteran - Girl Dad - Lover of all things that go "Boom" - Part Time Writer - Full Time Smartass I hope you enjoy my stories.
J. Weaver
Born in the American midwest, raised in the southeast, and now living in New England. J has had lots of different jobs over the years, and he likes to think it's made him more well-rounded. He enjoys playing video games, writing, and spending time with his wife Nicole and their cats.
Hello I am MadFireGod. I started my writing journey, July 31st 2024. From then I wrote nonstop for a few months before joining Immersive Ink in October that same year looking for help when I struck writers block on my story. What I found was a welcoming community that taught me how to navigate the writer space and I am eternally grateful for the support they showed me. Somehow I even ended up becoming a moderator and eventually a baby admin. Now I try my best to keep the Discord running by keeping the heathens there in line. :) <3 Anywho, I'm...
Emrys Ambrosius
Emrys Ambrosius has been a fan of reading since he was five. Escaping to fantasy worlds with dragons, like in Eragon or the works of Tolkien, that passion for reading only grew to encompass all things “nerd.” His passions include D&D and video games like Oblivion, Skyrim, and The Witcher, especially The Witcher 3. He began writing when he was thirteen years old…and never finished anything he started. A peek at his Google Docs would find dozens and dozens of half-finished projects. It wasn’t until he was 29, married, and with two kids that he was finally driven enough to finish...